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A great big Thank You to the American Craft Council!

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Last weekend's American Craft Show at St. Paul Rivercentre was a terrific experience! I met so many new people and got to have yet another terrific American Craft Council experience, showcasing my new line at their craft show.

My booth looked mostly the same as in Baltimore, but I did add some new photo banners from the recent photoshoot with Jennifer Simonson. Don't they look great!?

 American Craft Show St. Paul booth

(Here you can see me posing in front of one of the photos so that it looks like Katy's hand is patting me on the head. :)

Karin with photo by Jennifer Simonson

And have a look here at some of the pieces (some new, some I had in Baltimore) that were at the show!

group of origami earrings & necklacesKaty models opal earrings

Origami dahlia fold necklace with 18K yellow gold edgeOrigami fold ring

And I got some nice press from Minnesota Monthly Blog - have a look at the product photos that they featured to find my earrings!

Thanks American Craft Council!  Looking forward to next year!!


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